ECE516: Intelligent Image Processing

Schedule Labs Philosophy Opportunities 20-Year ECE516 History
schedule labs philosophy opportunities history

Lectures Tue, Wed and Fri 2pm, in BA3165 [2024 schedule].

Instructor: Prof. Steve Mann (bio).
Teaching Assistants:
Head TA: Mete Isiksalan ([email protected]);
Yuntao Cai ([email protected]).

This website was hand-written, using just a text-editor, like I did with my first website at MIT in 1993 (world's first photo, video, streaming site). Enjoy the Amish-like tradition of simplicity and reliability!

Subscribe to Prof. Steve Mann's YouTube channel (hydraulist), which has a ECE516 playlist for some previous lectures where you can look at recorded lectures made during the pandemic years. You might also enjoy looking at the eXtended metaVerse (XV = beyond the metaverse) playlist also.

You can also subscribe to the older 2021 channel as well, if you like: Previous (pre-2021) YouTube channel.

Steve Mann at Meta wearing Meta2 with green SWIM. SWIMotor being hand-cranked.
Prof. Steve Mann (bio), together with a team of super-smart TAs who all know the material really well: Mete Isiksala and Yuntao Tony Cai and other advisors (we've also got some of the world's leading experts as advisors) are ready to make your learning experience awesome! Connections to MIT, Stanford University, Silicon Valley, California, and Shenzhen

In this course [link to syllabus for 2023 (last year's syllabus); this year's is coming soon!] you will learn how to invent, design, build, and deeply understand:

You will also have a final project, and opportunities to work with advanced Intelligent Image Processing systems such as the Vuzix Blade, Vuzix SmartSwim, and InteraXon Muse brain-sensing headband that can be used to cause the eye itself to become a camera. We have several Blades, SmartSwims, and Muses available for sign-out. A number of us also swim regularly year-round, including winter ice swims with underwater augmented reality + eXtended Reality (XR) computer vision, and eXtended Intelligence, and are members of SwimOP = Swim at Ontario Place (downtown Toronto's only beach).

You will learn from the world's leading experts in imaging, sensing, meta-sensing (metaveillance, metavision, metaverse, and beyond metaverse), and computer vision, both passive (e.g. cameras) and active (e.g. sonar, radar, lidar, etc.), while deeply understanding computer vision and machine learning from first principles (mathematics and fundamental physics).

What you learn in this course applies at any physical scale from wearables to smart cars to smart buildings (clothing is a building built for a single occupant), to smart cities, and from vision-based model craft (model cars, drones, etc.) to full size self-driven transportation systems.

You might like to subscribe to my YouTube, "hydraulist" and watch the ECE516 playlist and learn the fundamental scientific and mathematical principles that gave rise to the extended metaverse and will guide you to inventing the future.

This website was hand-made without the use of any software... [Consider free and open-source ... link].

We're hoping that the most talenented students in this course will help us teach the course while you learn it! Become a "deputy student", meaning that you'll have fun and get additional bonus marks plus an offer for a summer position plus we can help get you into MIT (Prof. Mann's alma mater) or Stanford (Prof. Mann, Visiting Full Professor...), connections to Silicon Valley, Shenzhen, etc..

Please be sure to read this excellent safety manual written by our very own Afshin Poraria.

Copyleft 2023

This work is licensed under "Against DRM 2.0".